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ZENSO Testimonials

Welcome to submit your before and after journey of Zenso in order to encourage us that are on the way to a perfect body! ZENSO SERIES


Antrodia Cinnammea from taiwan

How much do you know about Antrodia Cinnammea? Taiwanese local natives were the ones who founded Antrodia Cinnammea which it was discovered coincidentally. After consuming, they realised there was a great improvement on their body strength! At the same time, they realised that it could effectively metabolise alcohol, relieve hangover and protect the liver. As …

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zenso start

ZENSO Preparation

PREPARATION ZENSO Advance 30 days THE FIRST WEEK The following is an example: due to different body constitutions and individual requirements, the nutritionist will have different suggestions SECOND WEEK Basically same as the first week, with minor changes in food ZENSO SERIES

beJuicyFit Novia Maca

9 Benefits of MACA HERBS other than increase fertility

Maca has been used for centuries to enhance fertility and boost libido, and there are studies conducted to prove this statement. In a 2002 study, Maca was proven to increase sexual desire in men, while a 2008 study showed it decreased sexual dysfunction in postmenopausal women. In a smaller study in 2001, daily consumption of Maca over a four-month …

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